Wednesday 30 March 2011

Emberfeletti kuzdelem stroke utan...The conductor who had a stroke

Andrew Sutton writes:

For all her friends

Zsuzsa a gyógyításnak szentelte az életét, 5 éve azonban stroke-ot kapott, kómába esett és lebénult. Emberfeletti küzdelmét folyamatosan filmezték. Csodák márpedig vannak, a Fókuszban be is bizonyítjuk! The conductor who had a stroke."

Thank you Andrew for sharing this with us.

The clip is in Hungarian and it is about Zsuzsa (a daughter, a mother, a friend etc.) a conductor who had a stroke after giving birth to her daughter. She spoke several languages and helped many people throughout her working life. She was in a coma for 26 days. Conductor friends and colleagues supported her all the way through to recovery…

She is a great example to us conductors and for all professionals out there the clip is worth watching to observe what is happening in a conductive education group catering for people whose life is affected by a stroke.

Kitartas Zsuzsa igy ismeretlenul is! Egy igazi nagy pelda vagy mindnyajunknak. Sok Szeretettel, Judit Szathmary xxxxx


Wednesday 23 March 2011

A wish...

There was something so heart warming when I arrived to work after a two and a half hour car journey and saw this sign on the door.

If only all day centres could have a similar notice on their doors :)


"Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. Symptoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivity.

Life can be hard for children with ADHD. They are often in trouble at school, can't finish a game, and have trouble making friends. They may spend agonizing hours each night struggling to keep their mind on their homework, only to forget to bring it to school. Family conflict can increase, placing added stress on exhausted parents and frustrated children. Adolescents are at increased risk for poor self-esteem and lower educational attainment. School programs to help children with problems often connected to ADHD (social skills and behavior training) are not available in many schools. In addition, not all children with ADHD qualify for special-education services.

The Conference targets to overcome these barriers and have a team approach involving parents, teachers, school psychologists, other mental-health specialists, and physicians. Transitions can be difficult. Each school year brings a new teacher and new schoolwork, a change that can be especially hard for a child with ADHD who needs routine and structure. Additional and up to date information is needed to deal with the transition.

We acknowledge the need of the society to deal with this situation and provide a venue for everyone linked to it to have a dispersal of thoughts guided by experts in the field.

This professional development conference is designed for professionals in the Medical, Allied Health, Education and Human Service fields involved in the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation efforts of and with children and adults with AD/HD. Parents, students and individuals who believe they will benefit from the educational sessions and networking opportunities are also welcome to attend. Specifically, this conference will benefit:
family physicians/psychiatrists
and other physicians working
with this population


•Teachers & administrators

•School counselors/nurses/
and other evaluators

•State department specialists

•School board members

•Behavioral therapists

•Rehabilitation counselors
•Social workers
•Employment specialists
working with disabled persons
•Clinical nurses
•Daycare center staff
•Recreational personnel
•Support groups
•Anyone with an interest in AD/HD "

For further information please follow link:

Note: Text and photo from the conference pages of the Ishara Consultants' web site.